Cod Produs: FSS26361-F3787-L1 Categorie:

For the first time, the sixth generation of the Linear Tape Open (LTO-6) tape drive offers uncompressed storage capacity of 2.5 TB per tape and a transfer rate of up to 160 MB/s. With enabled compression up to 6250 GB can be backed up on a single drive with up to 400 MB/s transfer rate. - Compact size as well as high transfer rates of up to 160 MB/s. - Energy efficient design. - Investment protection. - AES-GCM-256-Bit encryption.

Additional information

For the first time, the sixth generation of the Linear Tape Open (LTO-6) tape drive offers uncompressed storage capacity of 2.5 TB per tape and a transfer rate of up to 160 MB/s. With enabled compression up to 6250 GB can be backed up on a single drive with up to 400 MB/s transfer rate.

– Compact size as well as high transfer rates of up to 160 MB/s.
– Energy efficient design.
– Investment protection.
– AES-GCM-256-Bit encryption.